Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The dominant seventh in D major has a C#because of the key signature. The dominant seventh in D minor has
a C#because of the raised seventh used in the harmonic minor.

Exercise 10—Class Exercise

Write root position dominant seventh chords for the following minor keys. Name the key. The first has been
done for you.

Theory Trainer

Exercise 15bDraw dominant sevenths with a minor key signature.

Exercise 11—Class Exercise

Using the harmonic form of F minor, harmonize the following melody. Listen to Track 97 of Chopin’s original
Nocturne where the melody is harmonized with a bass “dance style” pattern. (Refer to Exercise 14.11 on page
367 for the definition of “dance style.”)

Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55, No. 1 (F. Chopin)


Listening: Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55, No. 1 (F. Chopin)


Fm Eb6Ab C 56 Fm Eb 6 Ab C^65


Key: Em B7

Key: ____ Key: ____ Key: ____ Key: ____ Key: ____

Workbook Exercises 15.11–15.13

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