Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Exercise 3

  1. Begin drawing notes with the note head, which is elliptical in shape. This is similar to the whole note
    which is round rather than elliptical.

  2. Add stems to the following note heads to change whole notes to half notes.Alternate stemming notes on
    the right and above the note head, and on the left and below the note head as shown.

  3. Fill in the note heads and add stems to change whole notes to quarter notes,alternating stems up and down.

  4. Fill in the note heads, add stems and flags to change whole notes to eighth notes.Notice that flags are always
    drawn to the right of the stem.

  5. Fill in the note heads, add stems and two flags to change whole notes to sixteenth notes.As with eighth
    notes shown earlier, flags are always drawn to the right of the stem.

Additional flags may be added to note heads, resulting in thirty-second notes ( ) and sixty-fourth notes ( ) and
The direction of the stemis determined by the placement of the note on the staff, regardless of the clef.
Notes that are drawn through the third line of the staff usually stem down, but they can stem in either direction,
regardless of the clef.




Adjacent eighth notes may be connected with beams ( or ) instead of using flags for each note. This will be discussed
later in the module.

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