English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Unit 8. Song Structure

I. Word List

a. General Words

Anticipation /antIsI"peIS(@)n/ (n)
expectation; hope; eagerness

  • She had a feeling of great anticipation before her graduation ceremony.

Climax /"klVImaks/ (n)
the highest point; peak; the most important point

  • At the novel's climax, the main character finds herself face to face with
    the thief.

Climb /klVIm/ (v, n)
go or come up; act of climbing; ascent

  • It took them six days to climb the mountain.

Delay /dI"leI/ (v, n)
become or cause to become late or slow;
postpone; act of delaying; period of time by
which something is late

  • The doctor wants to delay surgery for a few weeks.

Heighten /"hVIt(@)n/ (v)
make higher; make or become more intense;

  • The plan will only heighten tensions between the two groups.


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