English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

II. Vocabulary Practice

a. Match the words with their definitions.

____ 1. amplify

____ 2. conical

____ 3. strum

____ 4. supplant

____ 5. aerate

____ 6. stretch

____ 7. military

____ 8. fingerboard

____ 9. valve

____ 10. elliptical

____ 11. rim

____ 12. keyboard

____ 13. propel

____ 14. culminate

____ 15. ancient

a. the upper or outer edge of something
b. reach the highest point; end
c. a device for extending the range of pitch of a
brass instrument by increasing or decreasing
the effective length of the tube
d. belonging to the very distant past; very old
e. increase the volume of sound

f. play a guitar (or similar instrument) by
sweeping the thumb or a plectrum up or down
the strings

g. extend in length
h. a flat strip on the neck of a stringed instrument,
against which the strings are pressed

i. a bank of keys on a musical instrument
j. oval; egg-shaped
k. drive or push forwards
l. relating to soldiers or armed forces; martial

m. shaped like a cone; pointed
n. expose to the air; introduce air into

o. take the place of; supersede
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