English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

c. Synonyms: choose the word that means the same as the given word.

  1. elliptical
    a. conical b. vertical
    c. oval d. principal

  2. distinctive
    a. common b. genuine
    c. virtual d. unique

  3. supplant
    a. precede b. supersede
    c. supply d. facilitate

  4. military
    a. contemporary b. primary
    c. martial d. ancient

III. Reading Passage

Musical Instruments (2)

he remaining instruments of the six principal categories of musical
instruments to be covered in this section include the brass
instruments, the keyboard instruments, and the guitar family.

Brass Instruments
Brass instruments are also activated by blowing into them, although
instead of using a form of reed over which the mouth is placed, the lips are
placed against or inside the cup of a metal mouthpiece, and made to vibrate
against its inner rim. In order of descending pitch, these are:

One of the most ancient of all the instruments, played horizontally via a
series of valves on the top of the instrument which are opened and closed


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