English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


G (dominant)

Downbeat /'daʊnbiːt/ (n)
an accented beat, usually the first of the bar

Duo /'djuːəʊ/ (n) [Ita]
a group of two; duet

Eighth note /eɪtθ nəʊt/ (n)
a note of one half a beat; equal to one eighth of a whole note; a quaver


Eighth rest /eɪtθ rɛst/ (n)
a silence of one half a beat; equivalent rest for the eighth note


Embouchure /ɒmbʊ'ʃʊə/ (n) [Fr]
the way in which a player applies the mouth and tongue in playing a brass
or wind instrument; the mouthpiece of a flute or a similar instrument

Encore /'ɒŋkɔː/ (n, v) [Fr]
request by an audience for a repeat or additional performance at the end of
a concert; performance given in response to such a request; once more!;
call for an encore; give an encore

Ensemble /ɑn'sɑmbəl/ (n) [Fr]
a group of players who perform music together; a piece written for
performance by a whole group of instruments

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