English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Time signature /tʌɪm 'sɪgnətʃə/ (n)
the fraction looking symbol at the beginning of a piece of music (right
after the clef sign) that indicates how many beats are in per measure (top
number), and how long each beat will last (bottom number)


Tone /təʊn/ (n)
pitch; a sound having a definite pitch and character; a musical note

Tonic /'tɒnɪk/ (n, adj)
the first note in a scale which provides the keynote of a piece of music;
relating to the first degree of a scale; (of a chord) having the tonic for its


C (tonic)

Transpose /trans'pəʊz/ (v)
change the key of a piece of music (to a different key); write or play
(music) in a different key from the original

Triad /'trʌɪad/ (n)
a chord of three notes, consisting of a given note with the third and fifth
above it

Trio /'triːəʊ/ (n) [Ita]
a group of three; composition for three performers

Triplet /'trɪplɪt/ (n)
a group of three notes to be played in the time of two of the same time

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