English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
little (amount) less least
little (size) smaller smallest
much / many more most
far (place and time) further furthest
far (place) farther farthest
late (time) later latest
late (order) latter last

a. Fill in the comparison with as ... as.

  1. Iā€™m ____ you. (not / good / at English)

  2. Their second album was ____ their first one. (not /

  3. I do not earn ____ you do. (much / money)

  4. Your mobile phone is ____ mine. (not / trendy)

  5. The movie was ____ the book. (not / interesting)

  6. You can have ____ you like on the website. (many /

b. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given adjectives
(comparative or superlative).

  1. This is ____ book I've ever read. (interesting)

  2. This song is ____ than that one. (beautiful)

  3. Who is ____ person in the world? (rich)

  4. The weather this week is even ____ than last week.

  5. Which is ____ animal in the world? (dangerous)

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