English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reason /"ri:z(@)n/ (n)
cause; basis

  • I gave a reason for my absence.

Sustain /s@"steIn/ (v)
maintain; continue; keep going; prolong

  • Hope sustained us during that difficult time.

Treat /tri:t/ (v)
deal with; process

  • This situation must be treated with great care.

Visual /"vIZjU@l/ (adj)
relating to or used in vision; seen; optic

  • She appreciates the visual arts such as painting and film.

b. Technical Terms

Accent /"aks(@)nt/ (n)
an emphasis given to a syllable or note in speech
or music; tone of voice; stress

Common time /"kQm@n tVIm/ (n)
a time signature of 4/4; a time signature
indicating that there are four beats per measure,
and that each quarter note will receive one beat


Cut time /kVt tVIm/ (n)
a time signature of 2/2; a common time cut in


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