English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A curved line used to indicate the smooth phrasing of two or more
    notes of different pitch is called a ____.
    a. beam b. tie
    c. slur d. stem

  2. For what purpose is a tie used across the middle of a measure?
    a. to keep the notes visually organised
    b. to use fewer notes
    c. it’s easier to read the music
    d. a and c

c. Answer the following questions orally.

  1. How can we recognise the meter of a piece of music?

  2. What do the numbers in a time signature indicate?

  3. What are the most common beat patterns in music? How are they
    related to the different musical styles?

  4. In what situations are the ties used in music notation?

  5. What is the difference between a tie and a slur in music notation?

V. Grammar


Adverbs are words used to express how something is done (adjectives
express how someone or something is).
Example: Her English is fluent. She speaks English fluently.

General form: adjective + -ly
Example: slow (adjective) β†’ slowly (adverb)

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