Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Cyprus, ars subtilior composition and, 345 –46

Czech lands, 772


da capo aria, 32

dactylic meter, 83 , 111 , 191 –92, 197 , 215 , 218 , 325

Parisan chanson and,     708

Dafne, La (Peri), 824 , 826 , 827 –29, 831

as  first   opera,   826

Da gaudiorum premia (Dunstable, attrib.), 461

Dalle belle contrade d’oriente (Rore), 726 –27, 728 –29, 802

Dalle piùalte sfere (Cavalieri), 804 , 805

dance music, 621 –28

fiddler repertory   of,  131
Grocheio’s social theory and, 208


English vernacular,  742 –46,    746
opera vs., 827
See also balada; ballata; carole; galliard; pavan; virelai

Daniel (biblical), 94

Dante Alighieri, 116 , 139 , 286 –87, 290 , 367 , 384 , 641

Galilei musical setting and,     803
motet description by, 286
as proto-Renaissance figure, 382 , 383
vernacular literature and, 351 , 352 , 383 , 459

Daphne (mythology), 824 , 829

Darius, King of Persia, 94

Dark Ages, 798

Dascanio, Josquin. See Josquin des Prez

Daseian signs, 41 , 47

Da te parto (Saracini), 821 , 821 , 822

David (biblical), 10 , 51

DAVID (Machaut melisma), 291 –92

Davis, Natalie Zemon, 447

Davy, Richard, 513

dawn-song, 110 –11

day offices, 11

“Day of Wrath.” See Dies irae

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