Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Haar, James, 697 , 699 , 723

Haec dies (Easter Gradual), 27 , 221 , 228

West    Frankish/East   Frankish    versions,    62

Haggh, Barbara, 148

“Hail, Mary” (prayer), 523 –26, 565 –66, 572 , 606

Halle, Adam de la. See Adam de la Halle

hand, as mnemonic device, 102 –3

Handl, Jakob (Jacobus Gallus), 679 , 772

“Happy Birthday to You” (song), 18

Harley, Robert, first Earl of Oxford, 387

Harley manuscript, 387 , 388

harmonia perfetta, 587

harmonic consonances, 29 , 30

Harmonice musices odhecaton (partbook), 542

harmonic minor, 277

harmonic numbers, theory of, 248 , 249

harmonic proportions, 249 , 250

harmonic ratios, 5 , 29 , 284 –85

harmonic rhythm, 628

harmonic tonality. See tonal harmony

harmonizing, 168 , 472

extemporized    by  ear,     392 ,   394 ,   406 ,   452
fauburden and, 436 , 437
Geneva Psalter and, 754
metrical psalms and, 598
sight-singing and, 434 –35


Aaron’s treatises   on,  576 –77
abstract musical forms and, 37 , 798
ars perfecta and, 588 , 816
Baroque, 796
basso continuo and, 780 –81, 796 , 809
Caput Mass and, 475
chromatic, 32 –33, 273 –74
closure and, 471
consonances and, 29 –31, 30 , 32 , 153 , 407
Counter Reformation liturgical music and, 773 –77, 785
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