Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

natural language, 801

natural music. See poetry natural philosophy, 586 –87, 588

nature, 332

faux-naïve  virelai and,     349 –50
musical homologies with, 801 –3
musical imitations of, 331 –32, 333 , 349 , 700 –701, 711 –12, 727 , 728 , 733 –34, 747 , 749

nawba (nuba), 108

Nazi Germany, Carmina burana and, 138

Neidhardt von Reuenthal, 136 –38

neoclassicism, 797 –834

Neoplatonism, 172

beliefs of,  69 –72,     271
humanism and, 615 , 616

Netherlands, Clemens and, 593 –99

neuma triplex, 37 –39

prosulae    to,  40

neumes, 13 –16, 15 , 16 , 17 , 22 , 37 , 60 , 214

definition  of,  13 –14
Frankish, 14 –16, 17 –18, 62 , 76
modal meter and, 159
ornamental, 24 , 48 , 57 , 105
on ruled staff, 16 , 62 , 99 –100
shapes of, 22 –23, 60 , 176 , 177
staffless, 60 , 93 , 105 , 138 , 155
stroke (“fold”) added to, 181
See also ligatures

New Age meditation, 66

“new art of music.” See Ars Nova

Newe deudsche geistliche Gesenge (sacred song collection), 762 , 765

New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The, 549 , 579 , 832

“new music” (nuove musiche). See monody

New Testament. See Gospels

New York Pro Musica ensemble, 93 , 94

Neyts, J. F., 77

Nicene Creed, 34

Nicholas, Saint, 93 , 378

Nicholas of Clémanges, 378

Nicolaus de Radom, 346 –49

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