Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Isaac/Medici), 823 , 827 , 834

Stabat juxta Christi crucem, 394 , 396

Stabat mater dolorosa (chant sequence), 134 , 394


intervals,   29 –30,     35 ,    73
invention implications, 105
invention of, 16 , 102 , 105 , 153
letter names of, 75
medieval modal scale and, 75 –76
mnemonic device and, 102 –3
modern notation and, 74
neume arrangement on, 16 , 62 , 99 –100
notation prior to, 60 , 93 , 115
“Stairway to Parnassus” (Fux), 667 , 669

stamping songs (estampie), 294

standard of perfection. See ars perfecta


Ambrosian,   49
bar form and, 118
bergerette and, 526
canso/ballade structure of, 349 , 694 –95
lai and, 119
madrigal’s single, 352 , 724 , 813
refrain insertion of, 221
repetition of, 813

Star of Bethlehem, 399

“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (American national anthem), 409

stems, note, 260 –61

Stephen II, Pope, 2 , 38

Stevens, John, 420

sticherons, 33 –34

stichic principle, 12 , 20 , 23 , 24 , 48

stile antico, 667 , 669 –70, 687

ars perfecta    as,  831
Fux rules of, 667 , 669

stile da cappella. See stile antico,

stile moderno, 667 , 669 , 687

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