Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

As we have already seen, the year 1514, in which the third volume of Josquin’s Masses appeared,
was also the year in which Petrucci issued both Josquin’s Memor esto and Carpentras’s Bonitatem fecisti
in his Motetti della corona, and there is no demonstrably earlier source for either motet. The probable
earliest source for Memor esto turns out to be not a manuscript but a print. And since even that print long
postdates the events recounted by Glareanus, it can neither corroborate nor refute them. Indeed, a modern
biographer of Josquin has found another version of the story about Josquin and the king, only this version
involved a different king, Francis I (reigned 1515–47), Louis’s successor, whom Josquin could never
have served.^10

EX. 14-2    Josquin des Prez,   Missa   Pange   lingua, Kyrie   I
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