Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ex. 14-4 is the Hosanna from the Missa Hercules, in which the soggetto cavato dalle vocali (“the
theme carved out of the vowels,”^17 as the Italian theorist Zarlino would later call it) is put through some
basic exercises like transposition (from the natural hexachord up a fifth to the hard hexachord) and
diminution. Fig. 14-3 shows a page from Petrucci’s third carmina collection (Canti C, 1504), containing
another piece based

EX. 14-4    Josquin des Prez,   Missa   Hercules    Dux Ferrariae,  Hosanna on  a   soggetto    cavato, a   little  fanfare,    almost  certainly   meant
for a wind band, based on the vowels of the phrase Vive le roy (“Long live the King!”), treating the V, as per Latin usage, as a U
(and the y as an i), thus:
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