3 Unscramble these noun phrases to correspond to their English translations.
a. ྯⲺྩᆟᆆᖾⲺ┸Ӥ
ta de nn háizi hgn de piàoliang
her very pretty daughter
b. 䈴ᵢⲺѣᮽᡇ
kèbgn de Zhdngwén wi
my Chinese textbook
c. ֖Ⲻᵁਁཌള
nh de péngyou wàiguó
your foreign friends
d. ᡇᡵᆆค䠂Ⲻ
wi fángzi chénglh de
my house in the city
e. ૂ≊ⲺᵁਁⲺྯ
héqi de péngyou de ta
her very nice friend
f. ䷁ᆆᡇⲺᖾ㡈ᵃⲺ
xiézi wi de hgn shefu de
my very comfortable shoes
➪ 29.2.2
4 Henry is on a business trip to a city in China. On Saturday he decided to
explore the city himself. The concierge at the hotel was very helpful, showing
him the neighborhood on the map. Complete the dialogue for them by filling
in ᴿ yiu, ᱥ shì or ൞ zài as appropriate.
Concierge: ᛞⵁθᡇԢⲺ侼 ____ 䘏ݵȾᛞᜩৱଠݵϋ
ᛞⵁθᡇهⲺ佞 ____ 䙏ވȾᛞᜩৱଠވϋ
Nín kàn, women de lngufn ____ zhèr. Nín xifng qù nfr?
You see, our hotel is here. Where do you want to go?
Henry: 䈪䱺䘇 ____ жѠޢണθ⧦൞ ____ ൙䈔㣧⚥ኋθᡇᜩৱⵁⵁȾ
㚳䃠䱺䘇 ____ жѠޢൈθ⨴൞ ____ 㚌䃋㣧⟾ኋθᡇᜩৱⵁⵁȾ
Tcngshud fùjìn ____ yc ge gdngyuán, xiànzài ____
Shèngdàn huadbng zhfn, wi xifng qù kànkan.
I heard there’s a park nearby. There’s a Christmas light show right
now. I’d like to check it out.
Concierge: ᡇ⸛䚉θᛞ䈪Ⲻ ____ ѣኧޢണȾѣኧޢണ ____ 䘏ݵθ
ᛞਥԛආޣਭ䖜Ⱦ䖜ㄏቧ ____ ሯ䶘Ⱦр䖜Ҧ車Ⱦ