Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

35 Talking about habitual actions

1 Rewrite the Mandarin sentences, adding the adverb that is provided in
parentheses after each English translation.
Example:ྯ൞䛙Ѡ侣侼ਹ侣Ⱦ → ྯᒩᑮ൞䛙Ѡ侣侼ਹ侣Ⱦ
ྯ൞䛙ف伥佞ਹ伥Ⱦ ྯᒩᑮ൞䛙ف伥佞ਹ伥Ⱦ
To zài nàge fàngutn
chq fàn.

To píngcháng zài nàge fàngutn
chq fàn.
She eats at that restaurant. (often)
a. ᡇᰟр䐇↛Ⱦ
Wi zfoshang pfo bù.
I jog in the morning. (often)
b. ԌԢਹѣള侣Ⱦ
Tamen chc Zhdngguó fàn.
They eat Chinese food. (often)
c. ᡇй⛯䫕ਹᲐ侣Ⱦ
Wi qcdifn zhdng chc wfnfàn.
I eat dinner at 7 p.m. (usually)
d. ᡇԢৱ⌋ള᯻㺂Ⱦ
Wimen qù Ffguó lnxíng.
In the past we used to go to France for vacation. (always)
e. ᡇᰟр௓ૌ஗Ⱦ
Wi zfoshang hb kafbi.
I drink coffee in the morning. (always)
f. ᡇԢс⨣ԛ੄ᢉ㖇⨹Ⱦ
Wimen xià ban yhhòu df wfngqiú.
We play tennis after work. (often)

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