Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Talking about the future


3 ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng has made a list of things that he has to do. Rewrite the list
in complete Mandarin sentences.
Example: this morning: → ᡇԀཟᰟр㾷㔏ᡇⲺྩᵁਁᢉ⭫䈓Ⱦ
call girlfriend ᡇԀཟᰟр㾷㎜ᡇⲺྩᵁਁᢉ䴱䂧Ⱦ
Ww jcntian ztoshang yào gui ww de
n| péngyou dt diànhuà.
a. this afternoon: borrow money from roommate
b. tomorrow morning: buy girlfriend a birthday present
c. the day after tomorrow: make reservation at restaurant
d. next week: return money to roommate
e. next Tuesday: borrow money from roommate again
f. next month: definitely look for a job
➪ 36.1, 36.2, 36.4

4 Mr. Wang is discussing his schedule with his personal assistant, George.
Translate their conversation into Mandarin, incorporating the following
2/5 (today) 2/6 2/7
12:30 p.m. lunch with Mr. Chen 9 –11:00 a.m. conference call 1:30 p.m. flight
UA 360 to Tokyo
[UA 㚊ਾ/㚥ਾ

2:30 p.m. meeting with Mr. Li 1–3:00 p.m. meeting with
3:30 p.m. meeting with R & D Marketing
4:30 p.m. meeting with PR team 3–4:00 p.m. conference call
6:00 p.m. dinner with Director Cao

George: ⭕ݾᶄ (^) (a)____ Րᶛ䐕ᛞ㿷䶘Ⱦ
Mr. Wang: ᡇуᱥрѠ᱕ᵕᢃૂԌ㿷䶘੍ϋᙄѾԀཟ (^) (b)____ 㾷㿷䶘Ҽϋ
George: Ԍ䈪Ԍ (^) (c)____(plan) Ԁཟ䐕ᛞ䇞䇰ਾ֒㓼㢸Ⱦ
Mr. Wang: ᡇѣॾᴿӶѾӁϋ
George: ᛞԀཟѣॾ (^) (d)____Ⱦ(e)____ ᔶခ䘔⵶ᴿпѠՐȾ
Mr. Wang: 㔏ᶄݾ⭕ᢉ⭫䈓θ䈪ᡇѣॾᴿӁθсॾ (^) (f)____(possibly) ഔуᶛȾ
䰤Ԍ (^) (g)____ ____(willing) ᭯ᡆ (^) (h) ____(the day after tomorrow) 㿷䶘Ⱦ
George: ᛞ (^) (i)____ Ⲻ伔ᵰৱᰛᵢθਠᴿ (^) (j)____ ᴿグȾᡇਥԛ㔏Ԍᢉ⭫䈓
䰤䰤Ⱦྸ᷒у㺂θᛞ᱄ཟ (^) (k)____ ԛ੄ቧ⋗ᴿӁҼθ䛙ᰬُҕਥԛ੝ϋ
Mr. Wang: ླȾ䇟ਮᵰ (^) (l)____(get ready) 䖜θᡇ (^) (m)____ ࠰ৱжсȾ
George: ᡇ傢рৱȾ
George: ⭕ݾᶄ(a)____ ᴹּ䐕ᛞ㿁䶘Ⱦ
Mr. Wang: ᡇуᱥрف᱕ᵕᢃૂԌ㿁䶘ఄϋᙄ哲Ԁཟ (^) (b)____ 㾷㿁䶘Ҽϋ
George: Ԍ䃠Ԍ (^) (c)____(plan) Ԁཟ䐕ᛞ䁄䄌ਾ14֒点ㇶȾ
Mr. Wang: ᡇѣॾᴿ⭐哲Ӂϋ
George: ᛞԀཟѣॾ (^) (d)____Ⱦ(e)____ 䯁ခ䙙㪍ᴿпفᴹȾ

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