Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Talking about clock time and calendar time


Announcement 2
਺փ᯻ᇘ䈭⌞ᝅȾԄр⎭伔ᖶђӢⲺ 337 ਭ⨣ᵰ䘎ᴿжࡱ䫕ቧ㾷䎭伔ҼȾ䈭䘎⋗ᴿ
਺փ᯻ᇘ䄁⌞ᝅȾᗔр⎭休ᖶᶧӢⲺ 337 㲕⨣ₕ䚺ᴿжࡱ䩎ቧ㾷䎭休ҼȾ䄁䚺⋈ᴿ
Gèwèi lnkè qhng zhùyì. Cóng Shànghfi fbiwfng Ddngjcng de 337 hào banjc hái
yiu yc kè zhdng jiù yào qhfbi le. Qhng hái méi yiu dbngjc de lnkè, mfshàng dbngjc.
d. What is the flight number from Shanghai to Tokyo?
e. When will the flight to Tokyo depart?
f. What is the purpose of this announcement?
Announcement 3
৕ᇐ൞ 10 ਭⲱᵰ䰞ⲱᵰθᲐ 7 ⛯ 45 ࠼伔ᖶ՜ᮜⲺ 231 ਭ⨣ᵰഖ᭻਌⎾Ⱦ䈭Ҏᇘࡦ
৕ᇐ൞ 10 㲕ⲱₕ䮶ⲱₕθᲐ 7 唔 45 休ᖶ١ᮜⲺ࠼ 231 㲕⨣ₕഖ᭻਌⎾Ⱦ䄁Ҏᇘࡦ
Yuándìng zài 10 hào dbng jc mén dbngjc, wfn 7 difn 45 fbn fbiwfng Lúnden de
231 hào banjc ycn gù qjxiao. Qhng chéngkè dào fúwùtái bànlh huànjc shiuxù.
g. What time was flight 231 originally scheduled to depart?
h. Is there any specific reason given for the cancellation?
i. What are the passengers asked to do?
Announcement 4
Cóng Zhcjiagb dào Shànghfi de fbijc yuándìng fbixíng shíjian shí’èr gè bàn
xifoshí. Ycnwei fbng xiàng de guanxi, yánchí yc gè xifoshí dàodá. Dàodá
shíjian wéi wfn jij difn.
j. How long will the flight be from Chicago to Shanghai?
k. What time was the flight from Chicago originally scheduled to arrive in Shanghai?
l. How late will the flight be?
Announcement 5
৕ᇐԄ俏⑥䎭伔 8 ⛯ࡦ䗴Ⲻ 666 ਭ⨣ᵰᐨ㔅ࡦ䗴Ⱦ䈭䘄᧛᯻ᇘⲺӰࡦ亼਌㺂ᶄ༺᧛ᇘȾ
৕ᇐᗔ俏⑥䎭休 8 唔ࡦ䚊Ⲻ 666 㲕⨣ₕᐨ㏉ࡦ䚊Ⱦ䄁䘄᧛᯻ᇘⲺӰࡦ乎਌㺂ᶄ㲋᧛ᇘȾ
Yuándìng cóng Xianggfng qhfbi 8 difn dàodá de 666 hào banjc yhjing
dàodá. Qhng yíngjib lnkè de rén dào lhngqj xíngli chù jib kè.
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