52 Expressing ability and possibility
1 ᕖቅဆ/ᕫቅဆ Zhang xifojie is making a list of her credentials in preparation
for a job search. Describe her abilities in Mandarin, using the modal verb
Ր/ᴹ huì in your answers.
Example: drive a car → ᡇՐᔶ䖜Ⱦ ᡇуՐᔶ䖜Ⱦ
ᡇᴹ䯁䔀Ⱦ ᡇуᴹ䯁䔀Ⱦ
Wi huì koi chp.Wi bù huì koi chp.
I can drive. I can’t drive.
I can I am not able to
a. SPEAK *APANESE e. speak Chinese
b. sing (very well) f. drive
c. dance g. use a computer
d. play basketball
➪ 52.1
2 Rearrange the phrases in the following sentences to correspond to the English
a. 㜳 ≿ᆍ ֖жཟ ཐቇ ᆜϋ
㜳 ╘ᆍ ֖жཟ ཐቇ ᆮϋ
néng Hàn zì nh yctiandudshao xué?
How many Chinese characters can you learn in a day?
b. 㘹ླ 䘏⅗ ᡇ㜳 жᇐȾ
㘹ླ 䙏⅗ ᡇ㜳 жᇐȾ
kfo hfo zhècì wi néng ycdìng.
I can definitely do well on the test today.
c. ੂኁ ᡇⲺ у㜳 ⯻Ҽ ৱр䈴Ⱦ
ੂኁ ᡇⲺ у㜳 ⯻Ҽ ৱр䃨Ⱦ
tóngwe wi de bù néng bìng le qù shàng kè.
My roommate is sick and can’t go to class.