b. 䘏ᱥ ________ ᵁਁȾ
䙏ᱥ ________ ᵁਁȾ
Zhè shì ________ péngyou.
This is my friend.
c. Ԍᱥ ________ ᕕᕕȾ
Ta shì ________ dìdi.
He is my younger brother.
d. ________ ᇵ㡃ᖾཝθ________ ᖾቅȾ
________ sùshè hgn dà, ________ hgn xifo.
Your dormitory is very big. Ours is very small.
e. 䛙Ѡᢁᵰᱥ ________ ੍ϋ
䛙فᢁₕᱥ ________ ఄϋ
Nàge shiujc shì ________ ma?
Is that cell phone yours?
➪ 5.2, 5.2.4
3 What does George say in these situations? Complete the sentences with
the appropriate pronouns to match the English translations.
a. George introduces his friends from Chinese class to his mother:
____ 䜳ᱥ ____ ⲺੂᆜȾ____ ᱥ൞ѣᮽ䈴䇚䇼ⲺȾ
____ 䜳ᱥ ____ ⲺੂᆮȾ____ ᱥ൞ѣᮽ䃨䃃䆎ⲺȾ
____ ddu shì ____ de tóngxué. ____ shì zài Zhdngwén kè rènshi de.
They are all my friends. I met them in Chinese class.
b. George is telling his friend about getting his girlfriend some flowers for
her birthday today.
Ԁཟᱥ ____ Ⲻ⭕ᰛθ____ ᖾ⅘㣧θᡶԛ ____ ᜩҦ㣧䘷㔏
____Ⱦ____ ਥԛ䲠ᡇж䎭ৱҦ੍ϋ
Ԁཟᱥ ____ Ⲻ⭕ᰛθ____ ᖾ↗㣧θᡶԛ ____ ᜩ䋭㣧䘷㎜
____Ⱦ____ ਥԛ䲠ᡇж䎭ৱ䋭ఄϋ
Jcntian shì ____ de shbngrì, ____ hgn xhhuan hua, suiyh ____
xifng mfi hua sòng ggi ____. ____ kgyh péi wi ycqh qù mfi ma?
Today is her birthday, she likes flowers a lot, so I want to buy flowers to
give to her. Can you go with me (accompany me) to buy flowers?
c. George wants to borrow Kevin’s Chinese textbook but Kevin refuses.
George: ____ ਥԛ䐕 ____ ٕѣᮽ䈴ᵢ੍ϋ____ ᘎҼᑜȾ
____ ਥԛ䐕 ____ ٕѣᮽ䃨ᵢఄϋ____ ᘎҼᑬȾ
____ kgyh gbn ____ jiè zhdngwén kèbgn ma? ____
wàngle dài.
Can you loan me a Chinese textbook? I forgot to bring it.
Kevin: у㺂έ᱄ཟ ____ ᴿ㘹䈋θ֖ ____ ৱഴҜ侼ٕέ
у㺂έ᱄ཟ ____ ᴿ㘹䂜θ֖ ____ ৱൌᴮ佞ٕέ
Bù xíng! míngtian ____ yiu kfoshì, nh ____ qù túshegufn jiè!
I can’t. Tomorrow I have a test. Go to the library yourself to borrow it.
➪ 5.2