Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Expressing gratitude and responding to expressions of gratitude


2 You are preparing a graduation speech in which you will convey your gratitude
to your teachers, classmates, and family members. Express the following in
a. First, thank your parents for their ongoing support. [᭥ᤷ zhcchí support]
b. Say that you appreciate the sacrifices they have made to give you a good
education. [㢥ླⲺᮏ㛨 liánghfo de jiàoyù good education, ⢰⢨/⣝⢨
xcshbng sacrifice]
c. At the same time, thank your teachers for their guidance and instruction.
[᤽ሲૂᮏ䈨/᤽ቄૂᮏ䃞 zhídfo hé jiàohuì guidance and instruction]
d. Say that not only did they give you knowledge, but more importantly,
they taught you to be an honest person. [⸛䇼/⸛䆎 zhcshi knowledge,
↙⴪ⲺӰ zhèngzhí de rén honest person]
e. Finally, thank your classmates and friends for their companionship and
help. [ਁ᛻ yiuqíng friendship/companionship]
f. Say that it is very hard to imagine how you could have survived the
college years without them. [܅ᜩ xifngxiàng to imagine, ⑗䗽/⑗䚄
dùguò to get through, ཝᆜᰬݿ/ཝᆮᱸݿ dàxué shíguang college years]
g. Say that college graduation is the beginning of a new life. You will
work and study even harder, and you will not let your audience down
(‘I won’t let you down’). [䗒䍕/䗒䋖 gefù to let down/to disappoint
➪ 25.11, 61.1

3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions of gratitude and responses to
complete each mini-dialogue.
a. The assistant gives the manager the minutes of a meeting as the manager
has requested.
Assistant: 䘏ᱥᛞ㾷ⲺՐ䇤䇦ᖋȾ/ 䙏ᱥᛞ㾷Ⲻᴹ䆦䁎䤺Ⱦ
Zhè shì nín yào de huìyì jìlù.
Manager: 䉘䉘/䅓䅓θ____ ҼȾ֖
Xièxie, ____ nh le.
b. The security guard helps Ms. Gua ̄n to bring her grocery bags upstairs.

Ms. Gua ̄n: འ᝕䉘֖Ҽθ∅⅗䜳 (^) (i)____ θⵕ֖ (^) (ii)____Ⱦ
འ᝕䅓֖Ҽθ∅⅗䜳 (^) (i)____ θⵕ֖ (^) (ii)____Ⱦ
Tài gfnxiè nh le, mgi cì ddu (^) (i)____ nh, zhbn (^) (ii)____.
Security guard: (iii)____! 䘏ᱥᡇᓊ䈛ڐⲺȾ
(^) (iii)____! 䙏ᱥᡇ៿䂨ڐⲺȾ
(^) (iii)____! Zhè shì wi ycnggai zuò de.

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