Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


k. 䮵ળⲴ኷έ n. 儎伄Ӥ㢸έ
䮭ળⲴ↨έ 儎仞Ӥㇶέ
Cháng mìng bfi suì! Gao fbng liàng jié!
l. ᚣ௒έ o. ⲳཪڋ㘷έ
Gdngxh! ⲳ乣ڋ㘷έ
m. ࢃ䙊ᰖ䠅 Bái tóu xié lfo!
ࢃ䙊❗䠅 p. ᚣ௒ਇ䍘έ
Qiántú wú liàng ᚣ௒Ⲳ䋗έ
Gdngxh facái!
➪ 64.1, 64.2

3 This exercise contains additional expressions that can be used to convey
congratulations and good wishes. Read the situations below and decide which
expressions are appropriate for the occasion described. You may need to
consult a dictionary for this exercise.
following expressions should NOT appear in her card:
a. ཟ䎆㢥㕎/ཟ䌒㢥㐙 tian cì liángyuán A match made in heaven
b. ≮㔉ੂᗹ/≮㎆ੂᗹ yingjié tóngxcn Be of one mind forever
c. ֒㛨㤧ᢃ zuòyù ycngcái Cultivate the talented mind.
B. To thank Dr. Yan’s outstanding skill that saved his wife’s life, Mr. Li
commissioned a scroll that reads:
a. 䘇ᛜ䘒ᶛ/䘇ᚻ䚖ּ jìnyuè yufnlái Doing one’s best to satisfy people
near and far
b. ࿏ᢁഔᱛ miàoshiu huíchen You have effected a miraculous cure
c. ⩪⪕ૂ呙/⩪⪕ૂ匪 qínsè hémíng Wishing you a harmonious marriage
C. To congratulate the grand opening of Mr. Wang’s business, Mr. Zhou had
a flower stand arrangement delivered with a card that reads:
a. 呵ഴཝኋ/危ൌཝኋ hóngtú dàzhfn May your business prosper
b. 䠇ῒ从੃/䠇ῒ亂੃ jcnbfng tímíng Wishing you academic success
c. ᶴḅ䮵ᱛ/ᶴḅ䮭ᱛ sdngbfi chángchen Pine trees and cypress trees are
forever green (Wishes for continued long life)
D. Mr. Huang, a famous calligrapher, is asked to write something for an art gallery
opening. Which of the following expressions is most likely to be chosen:
a. ↛↛儎ॽ bùbù gaoshbng Rise up step by step
b. 䍘Ⓠᒵ䘑/䋗Ⓠᔙ䙨 cáiyuán gufngjìn Wishing you abundant wealth
c. ᐝ཰ཟᐛ/ᐝྠཟᐛ qifo duó tiangdng Craftmanship surpassing nature

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