7 Specifiers and demonstratives
1 Fill in each blank with a word from the following list to complete each
sentence according to its English translation.
䘏/䙏 zhè, ݵ䘏/ވ䙏 zhèr, 䘏䠂/䙏㼅 zhèlv
䛙 nà, ݵ䛙/ވ䛙 nàr, 䛙䠂/䛙㼅 nàlv
ݵଠ/ވଠ ntr, ଠ䠂/ଠ㼅 nflv
a. ____ ᱥᡇⲺθ____ ᱥ֖ⲺȾ
____ shì wi de, ____ shì nh de.
This is mine, that is yours.
b. ֖ઞᵡৱ ____ Ҽϋ
Nh zhdumò qù ____ le?
Where did you go this weekend?
c. ֖⸛䚉ᡇⲺѣᮽҜ൞ ____ ੍ϋ
֖⸛䚉ᡇⲺѣᮽᴮ൞ ____ ఄϋ
Nh zhcdào wi de Zhdngwén she zài ____ ma?
Do you know where my Chinese book is?
d. ____ ᱥᡇԀཟҦⲺᆍޮθᖾу䭏Ⱦ
____ ᱥᡇԀཟ䋭Ⲻᆍޮθᖾу䥥Ⱦ
____ shì wi jcntian mfi de zìdifn, hgn bù cuò.
This is the dictionary I bought today. It’s not bad.
e. 䈭䰤θ൞ ____ ਥԛҦࡦѣളⲺ䛤車ϋ
䄁அθ൞ ____ ਥԛ䋭ࡦѣുⲺ䜫車ϋ
Qhng wèn, zài ____ kgyh mfidào Zhdngguo de yóupiào?
Excuse me, where can you buy Chinese stamps?
f. с䈴ԛᡇԢ䜳ৱቅᕖ ____θ֖ৱ੍ϋ
с䃨ԛᗂᡇه䜳ৱቅᕫ ____θ֖ৱఄϋ
Xià kè yhhòu wimen ddu qù xifo Zhang ____, nh qù ma?
After class we are all going to Xiao Zhang’s. Are you going?
g. ____ ᖾᆿ䶏θ൦ᯯҕᖾཝθ֖ਥԛᩢ䗽ᶛȾ
____ ᖾᆿ䶒θ൦ᯯҕᖾཝθ֖ਥԛᩢ䚄ּȾ
____ hgn anjìng, dìfang yg hgn dà, nh kgyh banguòlái.
It is very peaceful here and also spacious. You can move in.