Modal verbs
5 Jack’s family recently became the host family for Meiling, an exchange student
from China. Today, Jack is showing Meiling around in the neighborhood.
He tries to explain in Mandarin the signs that they pass. Fill in the blanks
with the appropriate modal verb to complete his sentences.
a. Tuition must be paid by the 5th of the month.
∅Ѡᴾӊਭԛࢃ ____ Ӛᆜ䍯Ⱦ
∅فᴾӊ㲕ԛࢃ ____ Ӛᆮ䋱Ⱦ
Mgi ge yuè wj hào yhqián ____jiao xué fèi.
b. Cell phone use prohibited while driving.
ᔶ䖜Ⲻᰬُ ____ ⭞ᢁᵰȾ
䯁䔀Ⲻᱸُ ____ ⭞ᢁₕȾ
Kai chb de shíhou ____yòng shiujc.
c. Do not touch.
____ ⻦Ⱦ
____ pèng.
d. No food allowed.
____ ਹђ㾵Ⱦ
____ ਹᶧ㾵Ⱦ
____ chc ddngxi.
e. Free parking with any purchase.
Ҧђ㾵ቧ ____ 䖜Ⱦڒ䍯ރ
䋭ᶧ㾵ቧ ____ 䔀Ⱦڒ䋱ރ
Mfi ddngxi jiù ____ mifnfèi tíng chb.
f. French native speaker needed.
ᡇԢ䴶㾷 ____ 䈪⌋䈣ⲺӰȾ
ᡇه䴶㾷 ____ 䃠⌋䃔ⲺӰȾ
Wimen xeyào ____ shud Ffyj de rén.
6 Middle schooler 㤿㦿 Mòlì Molly has invited some friends to her house
tomorrow. Too bad some of them can’t make it. Fill in the blanks with
appropriate modal verbs to complete their replies.
a. φށᶦ ሯу䎭θ㤿㦿θ᱄ཟᡇ ____ ৱθᡇᴿ䏩⨹∊䎑Ⱦ
φށۇ ቃу䎭θ㤿㦿θ᱄ཟᡇ ____ ৱθᡇᴿ䏩⨹∊䌳Ⱦ
Jiékè: Duìbuqh, Mòlì, míngtian wi ____ qù, wi yiu zúqiú bhsài.
Jake: Sorry, Molly, I can’t go tomorrow. I have a soccer game.
b. ⎭՜φ ሯу䎭θ㤿㦿θᡇ㿿ᗍᡇ ____ ৱθഖѰᡇⲺᣛ䘎⋗ᴿߏᇂȾ
⎭١φ ቃу䎭θ㤿㦿θᡇ㿰ᗍᡇ ____ ৱθഖ⛰ᡇⲺ䚺⋈ᴿሡᇂȾ
Hfilún: Duìbuqh, Mòlì, wi juéde wi ____ qù, ycnwèi wi de bàogào
hái méi yiu xig wán.
Helen: Sorry, Molly, I don’t think I should go because I haven’t finished
my report.