Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


f. ᡇᆜ䗽ѣᮽȾ
Wi xuéguo Zhdngwén.
I have studied Chinese before.
g. ᡇ൞ѣളᆜ䗽ѣᮽȾ
Wi zài Zhdngguó xuéguo Zhdngwén.
I have studied Chinese in China.
h. ᡇ࿯࿯ᆜѣᮽȾ
Wi mèimei xué Zhdngwén.
My younger sister studies Chinese.
i. ᡇ䐕ᵁਁৱҦђ㾵ҼȾ
Wi gbn péngyou qù mfi ddngxi le.
I went shopping with my friends.
➪ 17.1

3 It’s Sunday night and you’ve phoned your sister to ask her about her week.
What do you say in Mandarin to find out about each of these activities?
a. Did you see a movie this week?
b. Did you have dinner with mom and dad on Friday night?
c. Did you go to that new coffee shop?
d. Did you buy a new coat? [ཌྍ wàitào]
e. Did you finish reading that history book? [ⵁᇂ kànwán finish reading,
়ਨ/↭ਨ lìshh history]
➪ 17.1

4 Write a sentence for each action describing what ቅᶄ Xifo Lh is doing right
a. Xiao Li is doing her homework.
b. Xiao Li is getting dressed.
c. Xiao Li is cleaning up her room. [᭬ᤴኁᆆ shdushi wezi]
d. Xiao Li is driving.
e. Xiao Li is eating dinner.
➪ 17.2

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