Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook (2nd Edition)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


3 Provide the appropriate greetings and goodbyes for the following letters.

a. An informal letter to your friend 䇮Օᕰ/ᕰٿ䁧 Xj Wgiqiáng.
Greeting: As if talking to you face to face
Goodbye: Expressing good wishes for a Happy New Year, Your ‘younger
brother,’ 㔠↜ࡎ/ࢿ㐈↜ Liú Xùwj
b. A formal letter to your teacher ୆㘷ᐾ/୆㘷ᑡ Táng lfoshc.
Greeting: Please read this letter.
Goodbye: I respectfully extend my good wishes with concern about your
welfare in this summer season, I bow to you. Respectfully
written by your student, ᕖᲉᱛ/ᕫ᳿ᱛ Zhang Xifochen.
➪ 24.3

4 You call your friend ⧁᱄ Wáng Míng on the phone. Translate your part of the
conversation into Mandarin.
a. I am looking for Wang Ming.
b. Wang Ming, long time no see. [ླѻу㿷/ླѻу㿁 hfo jij bù jiàn]
What have you been busy with lately?
c. You are going to Australia [◩ཝ࡟Ӑ/◩ཝ࡟Ӕ Aòdàlìyà]? Have a good trip.
d. See you when you get back. [See if you can figure out how to say this.]
➪ 24.1, 24.2

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