f. 䶔 (verb) уਥ 6 уਾ⌋
fbi (verb) bù kg bù héff
g. 䶔⌋ 7 жᇐ
fbiff ycdìng
➪ 27.5
4 Some friends are having lunch together and they all want the last brownie
[ᐹᵍቲ㴁㌋ bùlfngnì dàngao] on the dessert tray. Each one says something
to convince the others that s/he is the most in need of that last brownie.
Translate their sentences into Mandarin.
Tom: I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t know ANY girls.
Collins: I have never been to a prom. [㡔Ր/㡔ᴹ wjhuì]
*ACKIE )M YEARS OLD BUT ) don’t know how to drive.
Abby: I’ve been learning Chinese for two years but I absolutely do not
understand what the teacher says.
Dennis: I’m broke. Without a doubt, I should get that brownie.
Sophia: I’m 42 years old, jobless and still live with my parents. No matter
what, I should get that brownie.
Imagine you are there. Say something to fight for the last brownie!