Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

16 Conjunctions

Conjunctions are words that join phrases belonging to the same grammatical category and in-
dicate a relationship between them. Mandarin conjunctions include the following.

16.1 Conjunctions that indicate an ‘additive’ or ‘and’ relationship

16.1.1 和 hé

Wáng Míng hé Lǐ Ān shì dàxuéshēng.
Wang Ming and Li An are college students.

16.1.2 跟 gBn

Běijīng gēn Shànghǎi dōu shì hěn zhíde qù kàn de dìfang.
Beijing and Shanghai are both places worth seeing.

跟 gēn also functions as a preposition.
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16.1.3 同 tóng

Wǒ tóng tā de guānxi hěn bù cuò.
The relationship between him and me is not bad (really good).

16.1.4 与/與 yJ

Wǒmen duì Zhōngguó de wénhuà yǔ lìshǐ dōu hěn yǒu xīngqù.
We are really interested in Chinese culture and history.

note 同 tóng is used in southern China and is not common in the north. 与/與 yj is used in literary phrases.

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