Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Providing information about the identification of Chinese characters

25.5 Requesting repetition or clarification of spoken language



Qǐng nǐ zài shuō.
Please repeat./Please say it again.
(Nà shì) shénme yìsi?
What does that mean?

Qǐng nǐ shuō màn yīdiǎn.
Please speak a little slower.

25.6 Asking for assistance in identifying a Chinese character

怎么念? 这个字怎么念?

怎麼唸? 這個字怎麼唸?

Zěnme niàn? Zhège zì zěnme niàn?
How is it pronounced? How is this character pronounced?

怎么写? 那个字怎么写?
怎麼寫? 那個字怎麼寫?
Zěnme xiě? Nàge zì zěnme xiě?
How do you write it? How do you write that character?

‘qīngchu’ 怎么写?
‘qīngchu’ 怎麼寫?
‘qīngchu’ zěnme xiě?
How do you write the word ‘qingchu’?

Nàge zì shì shénme yìsi?
What does that character mean?

25.7 Providing information about the identification of Chinese characters

The following strategies are commonly used to help a listener identify a character.

  • Present a common word in which the character in question occurs

‘qīngchu’ de ‘qīng’
the ‘qing’ in ‘qingchu’
‘péngyou’ de ‘yǒu’
the ‘you’ of ‘pengyou’
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