Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Formal development of a topic

25.11.2 introducing further points

To introduce additional points in a discussion or in writing, say:
首先 shǒuxiān in the first place
第一 dì yī first
除了 (noun phrase) 以外 chúle (noun phrase) yǐwài besides (noun phrase)
还有/還有 hái yǒu also, in addition
请看/請看 qǐng kàn (+ noun phrase) please look at (noun phrase)

C15.2.3, 40.3

25.11.3 establishing a sequence

第一 dìyī first
第二 dì èr second
第三 dì sān third
然后/然後 ránhòu afterwards
后来/後來 hòulái afterwards (only used to describe sequence in the past)
C6.4, 42

25.11.4 establishing references

To refer to information that is relevant to the conversation, use these expressions:

关于/關於 guānyú ‘regarding (noun phrase)’

Guānyú mǎi fēijī piào de shì, qǐng nǐ fùzé.
As for buying the airplane tickets, please take charge.

至于/至於 zhìyú ‘in reference to (noun phrase)’

Zhìyú dìng lǚguǎn de shì, nǐ bù bì fèixīn.
As for making the hotel reservations, you don’t have to bother (doing that).

甚至于/甚至於 shènzhìyú ‘even, go so far as to (noun phrase or verb phrase)’

Yīqiè shǒuxù dōu bànhǎo le, shènzhìyú nǐ zhù de dìfang.
All of the arrangements have been taken care of, even down to the place where you
will live.

Wèishénme yǒu shíhòu dǎkāi wǎngyè de sùdù hěn màn shènzhìyú wúfǎ liánjie?
Why is it that sometimes it takes a very long time for a web page to open, sometimes
not even connecting at all?

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