Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


describing how actions are


31.1 describing the general or past performance of an action

with a manner adverbial phrase

To describe how an action is generally performed or how it was performed in the past, use the
following structure:
action verb 得 de adjectival verb

Phrases that describe the performance of an action are often referred to as manner complements
or manner adverbial phrases. The word adverbial means they describe the verb.

Tā shuō de kuài.
He speaks fast.

Tā kāi de màn.
She drives slowly.

Nǐmen dōu kǎo de hǎo.
You all did well on the exam.

(^) Note the suffixes 了 le, 过/過 guo, and 着/著 zhe do not occur after the action verb or the adjectival verb in
manner adverbial phrases.

C37, 39

31.1.1 describing the performance of an action when the verb takes an object

If the action verb takes an object, the verb is said twice, the first time followed by the object,
and the second time followed by 得 de adjectival verb:
[action verb + object] [action verb 得 de adjectival verb]

Tā shuō huà shuō de kuài.
He speaks fast.
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