Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
describing the performance of an entire action with an adverbial modifier

悄悄地 qiāoqiāo de quietly
严厉地/嚴厲地 yánlì de sternly
残忍地/殘忍地 cánrěn de cruelly
仔细地/仔細地 zǐxì de meticulously
用心地 yòngxīn de attentively, carefully
留心地 liúxīn de attentively, cautiously
认真地/認真地 rènzhēn de diligently, conscientiously
情愿地/情願地 qíngyuàn de willingly
自愿地/自願地 zìyuàn de willingly
使劲地/使勁地 shǐjìn de using full strength/
do with all one’s might
渐渐地/漸漸地 jiànjiàn de gradually
安安静静地 ānānjìngjìng de peacefully
仔仔细细地/仔仔細細地 zǐzǐxìxì de meticulously
急急忙忙地 jíjí mángmáng de hurriedly
慌慌张张地/慌慌張張地 huānghuāng zhāngzhāng de in a flustered manner

(^) Note these adverbial modifiers + 地 de occur in the same position in the predicate as other adverbs, that is,
at the beginning of the verb phrase, before the verb and any prepositional phrase.

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