Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
iNdiCatiNG reSUlt, CoNClUSioN, PoteNtial, aNd exteNt

32.1.4 Using 没/沒 méi with resultative verbs to indicate lack of
completion or result

The negative marker 没/沒 méi is used to indicate that an action has not been completed or
that the desired result has not been attained. 没/沒 méi occurs before the entire resultative verb.
Wǒ méi kànwán.
I haven’t finished reading.
Wǒ méi tīngdǒng.
I didn’t understand (by listening).
没/沒 méi never occurs between the action verb and resultative suffix.
Say this Not this

我没念错。 *我念没错。
我沒唸錯。 我唸沒錯。
Wǒ méi niàncuò. Wǒ niàn méi cuò.
I didn’t read (it) wrong.

C13.3.2, 18.4, 37.3

32.2 indicating the ability to reach a conclusion or result:

the potential infixes 得 de and 不 bu

得 de and 不 bu may occur between an action verb and a resultative or directional suffix to
indicate that it is possible or not possible to reach the result. When 得 de and 不 bu are used
in this way, we refer to them as potential infixes and the form of the resultative or directional
verb as the potential form.

32.2.1 the potential infix 得 de

To indicate that it is possible to perform an action and reach a conclusion or result, add the
potential infix 得 de into the middle of the resultative verb, between the action verb and the
resultative suffix:
action verb + 得 de + resultative suffix

Wǒ tīngdedǒng Zhōngguó diànyǐng.
I can understand (by listening) Chinese movies.
Nǐ chīdewán nàme duō dōngxi ma?
Can you finish eating that many things?

C18.6, 19.5

32.2.2 the potential infix 不 bu

To indicate that it is not possible to reach a conclusion or result, add the potential infix 不 bu into
the middle of the resultative or directional verb, between the action verb and the resultative suffix:
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