Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

exPreSSiNG oBliGatioNS aNd ProhiBitioNS

自行车汽车摩托车禁止入内 车辆行人严禁穿行

自行車汽車摩托車禁止入內 車輛行人嚴禁穿行

Zìxíng chē qìchē mótuōchē jìnzhǐ rù nèi Chēliàng xíngrén yánjìn chuānxíng
Bicycles, cars and motorcycles
prohibited from entering

No crossing
(lit. ‘Vehicles and pedestrians are
strictly prohibited from crossing’)

禁止拍照 不准乱扔瓜果皮核
Jìnzhǐ pāi zhào 不准亂扔瓜果皮核
No photographs Bùzhǔn luàn rēng guāguǒ píhé
(lit. ‘Taking photographs is prohibited’) It is not permitted to throw away
melon and fruit peels and pits

禁止吸烟 闲人免进
禁止吸煙 閒人免進
Jìnzhǐ xī yān Xiánrén miǎn jìn
No smoking No admission except on business
(lit. ‘Smoking is prohibited’) (lit. ‘Persons with no business here
are prohibited from entering’)

禁止停车 请勿停车
禁止停車 請勿停車
Jìnzhǐ tíng chē Qǐng wù tíng chē
No parking No parking
(lit. ‘Parking is prohibited’) (lit. ‘Please don’t park’)

禁止摘花 不准随地吐痰
Jìnzhǐ zhāi huā Bù zhǔn suídì tǔtán
Do not pick the flowers No spitting
(lit. ‘Picking flowers is prohibited’) (lit. ‘Spitting on the ground is
not permitted’)

禁止随地吐痰 请勿随地吐痰
禁止隨地吐痰 請勿隨地吐痰
Jìnzhǐ suídì tǔtán Qǐng wù suídì tǔtán
No spitting No spitting
(lit. ‘Spitting is prohibited’) (lit. ‘Please don’t spit’)
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