Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
exPreSSiNG aBility aNd PoSSiBility

52.1.3 expressing physical ability

To express physical ability or the unobstructed ability to perform an action, use 能 néng.

Wǒ de shēntǐ bù hǎo. Dàifu shuō wǒ bù néng yóu yǒng.
My health is not so good. The doctor said I cannot swim.

Tā yītiān néng zuò shí jǐ gè xiǎoshí de shì.
He can work more than ten hours a day.
When used to express ability, 能 néng, like 会/會 huì, can be modified by intensifiers such as
很 hěn ‘very,’ 真 zhēn ‘really,’ or 太 tài ‘too.’

Zhōngguórén hěn néng chī kǔ.
The Chinese can endure a lot of hardship.

Wǒ de nǚ’ér zhēn huì huā qián.
My daughter can really spend money.

C10.3, 12.2.2

52.2 Expressing possibility

52.2.1 expressing the likely occurrence of an event

To express possibility or the likelihood of the occurrence of an event, as in ‘will,’ ‘could pos-
sibly,’ or ‘would probably,’ use the modal verb 会/會 huì.

Q: 明天会不会下雪? A: 天气预报说明天不会下雪。
明天會不會下雪? 天氣預報說明天不會下雪。
Míngtiān huì bù huì xià xuě? Tiānqì yùbào shuō míngtiān bù huì xià xuě.
Is it going to snow tomorrow? According to the weather report, it won’t
snow tomorrow.

Q: 你想我们要坐的飞机会不会误点? A: 航空公司说,我们要坐的飞机不会误点。
你想我們要坐的飛機會不會誤點? 航空公司說,我們要坐的飛機不會誤點。
Nǐ xiǎng wǒmen yào zuò de fēijī
huì bù huì wùdiǎn?

Hángkōng gōngsī shuō, wǒmen yào
zuò de fēijī bù huì wùdiǎn.
Do you think the plane we are
going to take will be late?

The airline company says the plane we are
going to take won’t be late.

C12.1, 36.3
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