Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

56 expressing speaker attitudes and perspectives

Mandarin uses interjections at the beginning of the sentence and syllables at the end of the
sentence (sentence final particles) to indicate the attitude of the speaker toward the situation
expressed in the sentence. Attitudes expressed by interjections and sentence final particles include
surprise, disgust, agreement, pity, etc.
Interjections and sentence final particles stand outside of the grammar of the sentence. Their omis-
sion or inclusion never affects the grammatical status of the sentence. However, their appropriate
use contributes to the naturalness of the sentence, making it sound more authentically Mandarin.

56.1 Interjections

Syllables serving as interjections always have tones. Here are some common interjections and
their associated meanings.

哈 hā satisfaction
Hā hā! Hái shì wǒ duì ba!
Well (ha), so I was right after all!

嗐 hài sorrow, regret
Hài, nǐ zěnme néng gēn zhè zhǒng rén jiéhūn?
Why, how can you marry this kind of person?

啊 ā surprise
Ā! Tā sǐ le?
What? He passed away?

啊 á doubt, surprise
Á, nǐ huì shuō Yīngwén!
Oh! You speak English!

啊 ǎ puzzled surprise
Ǎ, nǐ bǎ fēijī piào nòngdiū le?
What! You lost your airplane ticket?
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