Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


jiù 就 ‘as soon as’ 一 yī... 就 jiù 42.3.3, in
conditional sentences 45.1, in sequence
structures 17.1.2, 37.2, 42.2.2, indicating
uniqueness 15.2.4, ‘precisely, only’ 15.2.4,
with 怎么/怎麼 zěnme to tell someone to
do as they please 54.2.4
yě 也 ‘also’ 15.2.1, 40.1, with question
words 46.4, with 连/連 lián ‘even’ 57.2.3
zhǐ 只 ‘only’ 15.2.5, 30.7.1
position of adverbs in the sentence 4.7
relative order of adverbs and negation 27.2
(see also adverbs with logical function)
advice 54.2
afraid of 55.1
afraid that 63.3
cái 才 ‘only after’
comparing 以前 yǐqián ‘before’ with
以后/以後 yǐhòu ‘after’ 42.5
completed sequence, sequence in the
past 37.2
hòulái 后来/後來 42.4
minutes past (after) the hour
referring to days before and after today
ránhòu 然后/然後 42.4
xiān... zài 先... 再 ‘first... then’ 42.3.1
yǐhòu 以后/以後 ‘after’ in a single sentence
42.2, 42.4, 42.5
zhīhòu 之后/之後 ‘after’ 9.6
expressions with 先 xiān 42.3
hòulái 后来/後來 25.11.3, 42.4
ránhòu 然后/然後 25.11.3, 42.4
yǐhòu 以后/以後 42.4
age 30.7
agreement, asking for agreement 28.2, 56.1
dōu 都 ‘all, both’ 15.2.2, 35.1, 35.3, 46.1.1,
46.2, 46.4
quán 全 ‘all’ 46.1.3
although 41.1, 41.2
‘and’ relationship between noun phrases 16.1
‘and’ relationship between verb phrases 15.2
expressing additional information 40
anyone 谁/誰 shéi + 都 dōu or 也 yě 42.4.1
anything 什么/甚麼 shénme + 都 dōu or
也 yě 46.4.1
anywhere 哪儿/哪兒 nǎr + 都 dōu or 也 yě
(哪里/哪裏 nǎli + 都 dōu or 也 yě,
什么地方/甚麼地方 shénme dìfang +
都 dōu or 也 yě) 46.4.1

expressing ‘any’ and ‘every’ with question
words 46.4.1
rènhé 任何 ‘any’ 27.3.2
apology 63.1
approximations 6.5
arriving 14.2.4, 14.3, 48.5
as long as 只要 zhǐyào 45.3
as soon as 一 yī VP 1 就 jiù VP 2 6.9, 42.3.3
asking for assistance 25.1.4, in identifying
characters 25.6
(see also requests)
asking for repetition 25.5
aspect 4.12, 13, 17
perfective 了 le 17.1, 37.1, 37.2
durative 着/著 zhe 17.2, 34.4, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3
experiential 过/過 guo 13.2, 17.3, 37.6, 37.7
aspect vs. tense 17.1.3
associative compound characters 会意/會意 huì
yì 3.3.3
at the same time 同时/同時 tóngshí 43.2.2
attracting attention 25.1
auxiliary verbs (see modal verbs)

bǎ 把 20, 57.2.1
ba 吧
in commands 51.1
in suggestions 62.1
in suppositions 56.2
background events 39.3, 43.1
bad news
and the passive 21.3
conveying bad news 63.3
bàn 半 ‘half’ 6.6.4
in comparison structures
in discounted prices 6.6.6
in time expressions 49.1.2,
responding to questions about cause 28.6
yīnwei... suǒyǐ 因为/因為... 所以
‘because/since... therefore’ 44
yīnwei NP de guānxi 因为/因為NP的关系/
關係 ‘because of NP’ 44.2
yóu yú 由于/由於 ‘because of, owing to’ 44.2
change of state 11.3
before the hour (time expressions),
yǐqián 以前 ‘before’ 42.1
zhīqián 之前 ‘before’ 9.6
behind 后头/後頭 hòutou (后面/後面 hòumiàn,
后边/後邊 hòubiān) 47.1
běi 北 (北面 běimiàn, 北边/北邊 běibiān)
bèi 倍 ‘(two)fold’ 6.6.5
bèi 被 passive marker 14.2.7, 21

adverbs (cont’d)

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