Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

这儿/這兒 zhèr and 这里/這裏 zhèlH ‘here,’ 那儿/那兒 nàr and 那里/那裏 nàlH ‘there’ 7.3

7.2 这/這 zhè, zhèi ‘this/these’ and 那 nà, nèi ‘that/those’

as specifiers

When they are used as specifiers, 这/這 zhè, zhèi ‘this/these’ and 那 nà, nèi ‘that/those’ are
part of a noun phrase. They occur before the number if there is one, and before the classifier
and the noun in this order:
specifier + (number) + classifier + noun

C6, 8, 9
Here are examples of noun phrases that begin with specifiers. Following each noun phrase there
is an example showing how the noun phrase is used in a sentence.

Noun phrase that begins with a specifier Sample sentence with the noun phrase
这三本书 这三本书都很贵。
這三本書 這三本書都很貴。
zhè sān běn shū Zhè sān běn shū dōu hěn guì.
these three books These three books are all expensive.
这种音乐 我很喜欢这种音乐。
這種音樂 我很喜歡這種音樂。
zhè zhǒng yīnyuè Wǒ hěn xǐhuan zhè zhǒng yīnyuè.
this kind of music I like this kind of music very much.
那个人 那个人很聪明。
那個人 那個人很聰明。
nàge rén Nàge rén hěn cōngming.
that person That person is very intelligent.
那个电影 我要看那个电影。
那個電影 我要看那個電影。
nàge diànyǐng Wǒ yào kàn nàge diànyǐng.
that movie I want to see that movie.
Notice that 这/這 zhè, zhèi and 那 nà, nèi do not have separate singular and plural forms.

7.3 这儿/這兒 zhèr and 这里/這裏 zhèlH ‘here,’ 那儿/那兒 nàr and

那里/那裏 nàlH ‘there’

这儿/這兒 zhèr (这里/這裏 zhèlǐ) ‘here’ and 那儿/那兒 nàr (那里/那裏 nàlǐ) ‘there’ indicate
location. 这儿/這兒 zhèr ‘here’ and 那儿/那兒 nàr ‘there’ are used in the north of China,
including Beijing. 这里/這裏 zhèlǐ and 那里/那裏 nàlǐ are used in the south of China, includ-
ing Taiwan. The meaning and use of 这儿/這兒 zhèr and 这里/這裏 zhèlǐ is the same, as is
the meaning and use of 那儿/那兒 nàr and 那里/那裏 nàlǐ. Each member of the pair is inter-
changeable in our examples here and throughout this book.

这儿/這兒 zhèr ‘here’ and 那儿/那兒 nàr ‘there’ may occur at the beginning of the sentence as
the subject. As subjects, they may optionally be preceded by the location preposition 在 zài ‘at.’
(Zài) zhèr yǒu hěn duō shāngdiàn.
Here (in this location) are a lot of shops.

(Zài) nàr méi yǒu tíngchē cháng.
There (in that location) there aren’t any parking lots.
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