Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Modifying a noun with all other modifiers: modification with 的 de 9.2 Modifiers that are pronouns

Modifier Head noun Noun phrase

我 车/車 我的车
wǒ chē wǒ de chē
I (my) car my car
他 家 他的家
tā jiā tā de jiā
he (his) home his home

你们 书 你们的书
你們 書 你們的書
nǐmen shū nǐmen de shū
you (your) book(s) your book(s)
Notice that pronoun + 的 de serves the same function as a possessive pronoun in English and
other languages. There are no possessive pronouns in Mandarin.

See Chapter 5 for a table showing the Mandarin equivalent of English possessive pronouns.

C5.2.4, 29.2.2 Modifiers that are adjectival verbs

Modifier Head noun Noun phrase

很贵 车/車 很贵的车
很貴 很貴的車
hěn guì chē hěn guì de chē
very expensive car a very expensive car

C 10 Modifiers that are stative verbs

Modifier Head noun Noun phrase

喜欢 车/車 我喜欢的车
喜歡 我喜歡的車
xǐhuan chē wǒ xǐhuan de chē
like car a car that I like

C 11 Modifiers that are action verbs

Modifier Head noun Noun phrase

写 字 写的字
寫 寫的字
xiě zì xiě de zì
write character a character that is written
来 人 来的人
來 來的人
lái rén lái de rén
come people/person the people who have come/the person who
has come

C 13
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