Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Stative verbs

Stative verbs describe situations that do not involve action. Examples of stative verbs include
喜欢/喜歡 xǐhuan ‘like,’ 爱/愛 ài ‘love,’ 像 xiàng ‘resemble,’ 想 xiǎng ‘want,’ 要 yào ‘want,’
需要 xūyào ‘need,’ 怕 pà ‘fear,’ 尊敬 zūnjìng ‘respect,’ 感谢/感謝 gǎnxiè ‘appreciate,’
懂 dǒng ‘understand,’ 信 xìn ‘believe,’ and 想念 xiǎngniàn ‘miss.’ Certain stative verbs
have special meanings and properties and will be discussed separately below. They include
the equational verbs 是 shì ‘be’ and 姓 xìng ‘be family named,’ the verb 有 yǒu ‘have,’ ‘exist,’
and the location verb 在 zài ‘be located at.’
Stative verbs are similar to adjectival verbs in their form of negation, their occurrence with
intensifiers, and their use in comparison structures.

C10.1, 10.3, 33

11.1 Negation of stative verbs

Most stative verbs may only be negated by 不 bù. The stative verb 有 yǒu ‘have’ may only be
negated by 没/沒 méi.
不 bù negates most stative verbs 没/沒 méi only negates 有 yǒu

Tā bù xiàng tā bàba.
He doesn’t resemble his dad.
Tā bù pà gǒu.
He is not afraid of dogs.

Wǒ bù yào qián.
I don’t want money.
Tā méi yǒu chē.
He doesn’t have a car.

C 27
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