Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

biàn 变 TRAD 變 V transform, change ■ 世界上任何 事情都在变。Shèjiè shang rènhé shìqing dōu zài
biàn. Everything in the world is changing.
biànchéng 变成 [v+compl: 变 change + 成 into] V change into ■ 几年不见, 小女孩变成了大姑娘。
Jǐnián bújiàn, xiǎo nǚhái biànchéngle dà gūniang. I hadn’t seen her for several years and the little
girl had changed into a young lady.
biàngù 变故 N unforeseen event
biànhuà 变化 [comp: 变 change + 化 transform] V & N transform, change; transformation, change ■ 情况变
化了, 不能仍然用老办法。Qíngkuàng biànhuà le, bùnéng réngrán yòng lǎo bànfǎ. Things have
changed. We cannot use old ways of doing things as before. (→ We cannot continue doing things
the old way.) ■ 几年没来, 我觉得 这里变化很明显。Jǐnián méi lái, wǒ juéde zhèli biànhuà hěn
míngxiǎn. After a few years’ absence, I find obvious changes in this place.

NOTE:   As  a   verb 变化 biànhuà is  interchangeable with 变 biàn, 变化 biànhuà being   a   little  more    formal  than 变

biànqiān 变迁 [comp: 变 change + 迁 move] V change, evolve
biànzhì 变质 [v+obj: 变 change + 质 quality] V change the nature of, deteriorate ■ 这些过期食 品变质
了。Zhè xiē guòqī shípǐn biànzhì le. These foodstuffs are past their sell-by dates and have gone
biàn 便 ADJ convenient
biànlì 便利 [comp: 便 convenient + 利 benefit] ADJ convenient, easy
biàntiáo 便条 [modif: 便 handy + 条 note] N informal written message, note 留便条 liú biàntiáo leave a note
■ 老王给我留了一 张便条,说他明天下午三点半来看我。Lǎo Wáng gěi wǒ liúle yì zhāng
biàntiáo, shuō tā míngtiān xiàwǔ sān diǎn bàn lái kàn wǒ. Lao Wang left a note for me, saying that
he would come to see me at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.
biànyú 便于 ADJ easy to, convenient to
biàn 遍 MEASURE WORD (used to indicate the frequency of an action done in its complete duration from the
beginning to the end) ■ 这本书我看 了三遍。Zhè běn shū wǒ kànle sān biàn. I’ve read this book
three times. ■ 上个月我看了三个电影, 其中一个看了两遍。Shàng ge yuè wǒ kànle sān ge
diànyǐng, qízhōng yí ge kànle liǎng biàn. I saw three movies last month, one of which I saw twice.
biànbù 遍布 V spread all over
biàn 辩 TRAD 辯 V argue
biànhù 辩护 [comp: 辩 argue + 护 defend] V speak in defense of 辩护律师 biànhù lǜshī defense lawyer,
defense counsel
biànjiě 辩解 [comp: 辩 argue + 解 explain] V try to defend oneself
biànlùn 辩论 [comp: 辩 argue + 论 discuss] V & N debate (场 chǎng) ■ 我不想和任何人辩论有关 宗教
的问题。Wǒ bùxiǎng he rènhé rén biànlùn yǒuguān zōngjiào de wèntí. I don’t want to debate
with anyone on matters of religion. 举行一场辩论 jǔxíng yì chǎng biànlùn hold a debate
biànzhèng 辩证 ADJ dialectal
biàn 辨 V distinguish, recognize
biànrèn 辨认 [comp: 辨 distinguish + 认 recognize] V identify, recognize 辨认罪犯 biànrèn zuìfàn identify a
biàn 辫 TRAD 辮 N braid, pigtail
biànzi 辫子 N braid, pigtail (条 tiáo)
biāo 标 TRAD 標 V mark
biāoběn 标本 N specimen, sample 采集标本 cǎijí biāoběn collect samples/specimen
biāodiǎn 标点 [comp: 标 mark + 点 point] N punctuation mark ■ 你这个标点用得不对。Nǐ zhège
biāodiǎn yòng de bú duì. The punctuation mark you used is not correct. (→ You used a wrong
punctuation mark.)
bīaojì 标记 N sign, mark, symbol

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