The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1

Andrej Plenkovic stayed on as prime minister after elections in July 2020, leading a
coalition headed by his centre-right Croatian Democratic Union. In his second term, Mr
Plenkovic will rein in his party’s right wing and pursue closer ties within the EU,
including Schengen membership and adoption of the euro. The country coped well in
the initial stages of the covid-19 pandemic but will take a big economic hit as crucial
tourism traffic slows, regaining less than half the ground lost in 2020.

TO WATCH: Brussels bonanza. Croatia’s share of the EU’s $850bn covid-19 financial-
support package will be the biggest of any member state relative to its GDP, at 22.4%.

Czech Republic

GDP growth: 4.4%

GDP per head: $24,800 (PPP: $42,830)

Inflation: 1.9%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 3.9

Population: 10.7m
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