The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1


GDP growth: 4.3%

GDP per head: $84,630 (PPP: $90,870)

Inflation: 0.5%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 5.3

Population: 5.0m

Micheal Martin, the prime minister leading the first coalition between rival parties
Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, along with the Greens, took office at the pandemic’s height
but at least has some warning of the second great challenge: the definitive departure in
2021 from the EU of a key trade partner, Britain—perhaps without a trade deal to
soften the blow. Border arrangements between Ireland and Northern Ireland will be
resolved only at the last minute, so some disruption to trade is inevitable. Covid- 19
recovery permitting, the coalition will press for greater spending on health, housing and
welfare, and (on behalf of the Greens) decarbonising the economy.


GDP growth: 5.8%

GDP per head: $33,630 (PPP: $42,610)

Inflation: 0.8%
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