The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1

on exports has made the economy especially vulnerable during the crisis, but rising
European demand will support growth in 2021.


GDP growth: 3.8%

GDP per head: $22,230 (PPP: $40,360)

Inflation: 1.6%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 2.4

Population: 2.7m

A shifting coalition was replaced by an equally fragile governing alliance in elections in
October 2020, led by the opposition Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats.
The country’s longer-term goals—addressing a low birth rate, mass emigration and
strengthening ties with the EU and NATO—will remain, but repairing the damage from
covid-19 will be the priority. The economic recovery will be substantial, but will not
wipe out the losses of 2020.


GDP growth: 4.1%

GDP per head: $55,980 (PPP: $59,140)

Inflation: 1.1%
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