The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1

TO WATCH: Medical trip. The Norwegian Association for Psychedelic Science, which
researches mind-bending drugs and their clinical potential, aims to hold its first
conference in 2021.


GDP growth: 4.2%

GDP per head: $16,100 (PPP: $35,000)

Inflation: 2.4%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 3.9

Population: 37.8m

The government, led by the socially conservative and economically interventionist Law
and Justice party, will press ahead with institutional reforms that include placing the
judiciary under greater political control and restraining independent media. The EU will
grumble, but Poland’s allies in the bloc will head off punitive action. Budgetary support
and a rally in private consumption will help restore most of the economic ground lost to
the pandemic, itself modest by European standards.


GDP growth: 5.0%

GDP per head: $23,410 (PPP: $35,430)
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