The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1

in theory, until 2036. The government will deploy a mix of tools to quell opposition,
from arrests and poisonings to online trolls. As ever, Mr Putin’s regime will project
Russian influence in its neighbourhood and beyond.


GDP growth: 6.4%

GDP per head: $20,470 (PPP: $34,090)

Inflation: 1.9%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 4.6

Population: 5.5m

The country suffered one of Europe’s lightest health impacts from covid-19 but one of
its heaviest economic downturns, and 2021 will be dedicated mainly to clawing back
the lost ground. The right-leaning government of the prime minister, Igor Matovic, and
his Ordinary People and Independent Personalities party and its partners took office
during the lockdown and deployed a range of fiscal measures. The coalition, though
united around an anti-corruption agenda, will struggle to agree on spending priorities,
and outspoken party leaders could clash. The economy will rally, but not by enough to
restore 2020’s losses.


GDP growth: 5.0%

GDP per head: $24,740 (PPP: $40,150)
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