The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1
GDP per head: $40,290 (PPP: $47,130)

Inflation: 0.5%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 7.1

Population: 68.2m

The country will start 2021 fully outside the EU, perhaps with no new trade agreement
with its largest partner. The impact of this will be significant in some sectors, but the
blow from covid-19 will be far greater. A late and poorly designed response brought a
terrible toll in lives and economic damage, though decisive fiscal interventions
mitigated the blow for many. The Conservative Party government of the prime minister,
Boris Johnson, had earlier pledged an investment programme to lift productivity, but
that could be curtailed by demands for fiscal consolidation within his own party.

TO WATCH: Scoxit. Elections for the Scottish Parliament and the expected renewal of
the Scottish National Party’s majority will fuel demands for a new referendum on
Scottish independence.

In Person

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