The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1

Public protests will re-emerge as the health emergency subsides, reflecting frustration
with the regime over its perceived failure to address grievances that forced long-time
autocrat Abdelaziz Bouteflika to resign in 2019. The re-drafted constitution, due to be
approved by referendum in late 2020, does little to demote the business, military and
political alliance that wields power. The economy will languish after a deep recession in


GDP growth: - 0.1%

GDP per head: $2,000 (PPP: $6,410)

Inflation: 19.1%

Budget Balance (% GDP): - 3.1

Population: 33.9m

The president, João Lourenço, will push to dismantle the power networks established
over nearly 40 years by his predecessor, José Eduardo dos Santos, but will move slowly
to avoid a backlash from vested interests. The IMF will provide support to bridge a fiscal
crisis. Low oil prices will compound the economic blow from covid-19, yielding a second
successive year of recession.


GDP growth: 2.5%

GDP per head: $1,500 (PPP: $3,670)
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